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It's time to move on from Google Optimize

Looking for an alternative personalization solution?

Google Optimize lets you personalize your website using basic segmentation, while Croct enables you to do much more than simple personalization. Let us show you how.

Croct vs. Google Optimize

Segment, test, personalize.

You should have the autonomy to create unique user experiences without depending on daily deploys.
  • Personalization

    Personalize your site's experience and content in minutes and preview it before publishing.

  • Audience segmentation

    Segment your audience based on interests, buying behavior, location, and more.

  • AB testing

    Create experiments and test your strategy, offer, or copy for each one of your audiences.

Segment, test and personalize with PMS

See how Google Optimize compares with Croct

If you have been optimizing your site with Google Optimize, you must be curious about Croct's features. We've put together a summary to give you a complete overview.
Croct and Google Optimize Comparison

We're obsessed with your success

We offer the perfect combination of personalization expertise and deep product knowledge to help you deliver a differentiated customer experience.
  • Onboarding and adoption

    See value faster: follow our personalization roadmap to get you up and running quickly and get the most from your investment.

  • Ongoing success

    We're committed to the long-term success of your business, so we support you in maximizing returns and reducing time-to-value.

  • Bilingual support

    Get help whenever you need it with access to our online community and technical assistance in English or Portuguese.

Slack support

Ready to give Croct a go?

Our world-class migration team will help you every step of the way. Create your free-forever account or talk to a technical expert.